Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tractor Safety 101

This is the key fob for my new tractor. Apparently I'm not supposed to run children over. Good thing I looked at the fob. On the other side it seems to be telling me that women and children should be locked up in the house where they won't be tempted to run in front of me.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Husqvarna 1, Trail 0

Neptune runs on my new trail!

I've spent an hour or so the last few evenings out in the bush cutting trails for my mountain bike. It's pretty hard but rewarding as you make some progress. I've cut about 1200 metres in and I'll have to go back and chainsaw out some of the fallen trees. I'm getting the feeling I'll be spending more time cutting trails than riding them this year. It's all an investment for next season.
Had a bit of a Blair Witch moment late last night when I ran out of gas and the sun had gone down. Had to walk back in the dark without a running brushcutter to protect myself from bears which I was pretty sure had me surrounded.