Friday, December 21, 2007

Let It Snow

Last year we were spoiled with very little snow. I went mountain biking last Christmas Eve! This year is a little different. We've been getting massive downfall after downfall. How much snow?

This much snow.

The view from my studio window. I wish I skied.

So after a long hike with the dogs through trails 3-4 feet deep with snow I came home and wanted to draw something that took me away from all the cold. CBR had a drawing jam for Caitlin Fairchild. Boy, was I was glad to draw this: San Diego, palm trees, surfers (obviously returning from a great day out on the water), an awesome microbus. Oh, and Caitlin Fairchild.

Kids these days and their darn iPods!

It's done super light and loose in 4H. I can't wait to flesh it out but I've got a really busy schedule in the coming weeks. It's going to be a very long winter so this will be a great diversion come February (the worst month up here for weather).

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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